Evening atmosphere from our new garden...
...and September has arrived with lots of nice weather and summer temperatures...
The summer has been very hectic, but incredibly fun and rewarding, with a great combination of international guests, both bus groups and individual guests, as well as several parties and anniversaries with the local population in focus.
We're also very pleased with our skilled and committed employees, both local young people and newcomers to the area. Those who have worked with us this summer have backgrounds from Eritrea, Ukraine, Thailand, Marifjøra and Hafslo, and this great group has really found the right tone and created a good environment with us this summer.
Ståle informs about the hotel for a tour organized by Visit Sognefjord.
We're looking forward to the fall and winter, and more bus groups, local companies, company gatherings, Christmas parties, Christmas dinners and other pleasant gatherings from near and far.
A warm welcome to good traditional food in an informal environment!
Sky pudding belongs in good company!