On Women's Day itself, Saturday, March 8, we will be launching the event “Ladies' Evening - Business & Bubbles” at 7:00 PM.

Welcome to an inspiring evening of success stories, networking, delicious food, good music, business and bubbles😊🌸💖🌟

Renate Lunde = Vossabia

Eikum will be an arena for women this evening on Women's Day itself, where you can nurture existing friendships and develop new ones, as well as listen to the success stories of beautiful and talented women😊

Ekredn Bær, Vossabia and Hafslo Sewing Shop have stands at the reception, selling their fantastic products from 5:30 PM😊🌸

Marit-Merethe Røneid= Ekredn Bær

Vossabia - Renate Lunde - comes straight from Grune Woche in Berlin, where she has just received the national business development award in agriculture from Innovation Norway and the Ministry of Agriculture👏👏

Vossabia is passionate about holistic health, and using the nature we have right outside our door🌸 This is the basis for all her products💖🌸

She takes you to her shop, where you can buy her fantastic product, and then she tells the whole story about Vossabia, under the title:

Bees, business and bottom line🐝

Rita Navarsete= Decorative and Applied Arts

Rita Navarsete is a true parishioner, politician and shop owner. She bought Pryd og Brukskunst in 2007, and this has been her livelihood all these years since. Her independent bunad and gift shop is thriving, and is among the best bunad shops in Western Norway.

Listen to Rita's lecture;

He who dares nothing, wins nothing

Synnøve Aasjord = Raaum Gard

Synnøve Aasjord moved from Gjøvik to Mollandsmarki with her husband, Ketil Raaum, a few years ago, and now runs Raaum Gard. They have three cabins for rent "right on the edge", with an absolutely fantastic view😊👍 This creative couple is constantly coming up with new products, and the latest is a cart that will be parked in the parking lot of Molden, and this one is called "Café Molden".

Listen to the story of Synnøve;

“What’s the worst that can happen?”

When these three talented ladies have finished their lectures, it's time for great singing and music by the popular and talented local artist Gunn Kvaale , who is performing as a GIFT to us this evening!! Fantastically well done by her!!

Gunn Kvaale - Artist in Norway's top

After hearing this incredibly beautiful voice of this very talented artist, it's time for Eikum's popular cold buffet and a room full of good drinks😊

Eikum's delicious cold buffet

The event starts at 7:00 PM, and doors open at 5:30 PM👍

The price is NOK 650,- per person, and this includes bubbles as a welcome drink, a pink envelope with surprises, an exciting program, led by a beautiful woman, and Eikum's popular cold buffet😊👍

The bubbly and talented lady who will lead us through the evening is Randi Solheimsnes, a Hafslobygding resident of Førde.

Speaker Randi Solheimsnes

We hope this exciting program tempts all ladies to join in the celebration of Women's Day, and here's how you can sign up:

Registration to, in addition to Vipps 40226680. Once the Vipps has been processed, the registration is approved 😊👍

Registration deadline March 1st, but the last time we organized Ladies' Evening it was full three days after publication...😂😊👍👍

Age limit 20 years.

A warm welcome to the ladies' party at Eikum -
